Helpful Resources

Click Access Full Microsoft Office as a Student for instructions on how to download Microsoft Office applications to your computer as a Puget Sound student.

Helpful Videos for Excel 

Click HERE to watch a video on how to take an average, standard deviation, and standard error in Excel.

Click HERE to watch a video on how to create a bar chart in Excel. This type of graph could be used for when you have a continuous response variable and a categorical explanatory variable with two groups (t-test) or more than two groups (1-way ANOVA).

Click HERE to watch a video on how to create a scatter plot in Excel. This type of graph could be used when you have a continuous response variable and a continuous explanatory variable (linear regression or correlation).

Helpful Videos for Word

Click HERE to watch a video on how to use Track Changes in Word.

Click HERE to watch a video on how to calculate effect size in Excel and where to place that in your results section in Word.

Click HERE to watch a video on how to bring a figure from Excel into Word, and how to manipulate the figure in Powerpoint and then bring it into Word.