
Contact me: evarose@baylin.com

This website is the culminating work of a Chism Arts, Humanities and Social Sciences Summer 2020 Research Grant award from the University of Puget Sound under the advisory of Nancy Bristow professor and Chair of the History Department at the University of Puget Sound.

Hi! My name is Eva Baylin. I graduated from the University of Puget Sound in the spring of 2021 with a BA in History and minors in African American Studies and Music. I love to listen to and engage with stories and narratives from the past to understand structures and systems that shape our current world. In my free time you can find me hiking, reading, visiting farmers markets, and thrift shopping.

This research would not have been possible without my factually advisor Nancy Bristow whose advice and expertise in research, the research process and writing have been invaluable. Thank you!

Kevin Kirner, the educational technologist for Arts and Humanities at the University of Puget Sound, has also been instrumental in helping me create this website and answer all my tech related questions.